Tuesday, December 1, 2015

November Newsletter

Dear Family,

We pray this note finds you all in good health and in the joy of the Lord. Another month has passed and we see Jesus working daily in our midst. The students are hearing and responding to the word of God in the morning and evening Bible devotions, and are memorizing scripture in English and Bible study classes. We have noticed physical growth in many of the children, because they have more fruits, vegetables, and protein in their diet. Many thanks for the finances allowing the purchase of more than rice and beans!

We lost a young teacher named Wendy who was responsible for the first level secondary class. She was a former student of the school, is a new mom living away from her husband who lives in a pueblo hours away. She understandably chose to return to him, so Collette is now teaching Math, Geography and Reading along with English and Art. Alicia, the woman full time cooking for the school, is a gem and has offered to teach Spanish and History. There are about 28 kids in this class at four levels of ability. Please join us in prayer for financial provision for teacher compensation.
One family has four children attending the school, three of the four were born in the US. They lived in Colorado for 5 or 6 years, imagine the changes they have endured. The eldest, Ricardo, will be eligible for high school after another year here. He would like to return to the US for that education. We would like to help him by finding a host family. He is a hard worker, a student leader, and an excellent student as well. We have over a year to prepare, please pray that doors will open for his dream.

Now for an answer to prayer. Mexico Public Television sent a crew to the school to shoot a documentary focused on the power plays by the local Catholic Bishop. It will be a two part series that we will post on our website with English subtitles - God does work in mysterious ways! Our good friend Jay Tenbrink rebuilt our website www.intothemountains.org , he is also building a web site for the school. In addition, the municipal president of Tepic made a visit this past week and expressed interest in helping the school. There are growing possibilities for financial support from Mexican resources for the school.

As we look to the year end, we would ask you to prayerfully consider an additional gift for our ministry here in Mexico. We so appreciate the one time gifts, and all of you who continue with monthly giving and much needed prayers for health, safety, emotional strength, and courage to continue serving in these areas of spiritual darkness. We are very grateful and blessed by each of you. Our best wishes to you and your family during Thanksgiving and Christmas. God is so very good to us in America, we are blessed beyond our knowing. May the peace and grace of Jesus flow through you.

Our love and deep affection,

Tom and Collette Beytien

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